Yu-Gi-Oh! is a Japanese manga created by Kazuki Takahashi. It has produced a franchise that includes multiple anime shows, a trading card game and numerous video games. Most of the incarnations of the franchise involve the fictional trading card game called Duel Monsters (originally known as Magic & Wizards), where each player uses cards to 'duel' each other in a mock battle of fantasy 'monsters'. The Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game is the real world counterpart to this fictional game on which it is loosely based.
Genre: | RPG |
Release Month: | 3 |
Release Year: | 2002 |
Developer: | Konami Computer Entertainment Shinjuku |
Publisher: | Konami |
Serial: | SLPM-87065 |
Size: | 0 |
CRC32: | 0 |